second molar extraction pros and cons

If #18 a #19 are removed and nothing is done over time it will certainly affect your bite and facial structure. Should I have an implant after loosing the molar that the wisdom tooth was invading? Im struggling to eat and its making my anxiety go through the roof as I try to save money for an implant on the left side where that bone graft is. 14 was removed due to decay/inability to afford a root canal in 2018, 16 was removed due to impaction in 2017. I went in today because that tooth felt sharp and I figured either the crown had chipped or the filling was loose. Bicuspid then premolars are synonymous. patient reviews This can cause issues with your bite and oral hygiene. Theres a possibility that I might need to get one of my 2nd molar on the upper jaw removed, Google what that means. Apicos on upper molars are not that successful. That being said be sure you see a very skilled implant dentist that has a great reputation for long-term results. Help!!! Sir My 2nd molar extracted on 24 th October. Do you advise an implant? We avoid using tertiary references. My wisdom tooth next to it was already extracted last year due to cavity. Hi I love that you are answering questions as I cant get a straight answer. Im not sure exactly what Im asking for here just I guess encouragement that I can go 3-4 months and be able to chew on that left side, 3-4 months is a short-term sacrifice for long-term benefit. Both an endodontist and an oral surgeon have said it needs to be removed, it cannot be saved. Yesterday had an extraction on 2. Some people erupt very quickly and some are very slow like my oldest daughter! According to my dentist, #2 is hard for me to clean and food will continue to get trapped. I would research periodontal disease and speak to dentist about that. Waiting 2 years will result in some issues such as more extensive bone loss. Can bone that has filled the empty socket be drilled out for the post? I wish she had sent me initially to the endodentist because I felt quite a bit of pain while she was doing the root canal and was in terrible pain two days later. I am 47 and devastated with this extraction. I dont smoke. Will not replacing these molars cause major issues for my other teeth in the future and/or my overall health? The technique described here is easy to learn and implement. Last night sleep was interrupted and the hard swelling has not improved at all with some new pain with opening my mouth (I am exercising my jaw gently to avoid it getting too tight). Should I get another opinion? I am 23. Thank you so much for your time. Gauze placed over the extraction site will help absorb any bleeding. The bottom one is doing ok. My question is will the bottom one grow out of socket if it has a crown on? The 3d exray doesnt show a reason to pull, but the pain is wearing me down, He wants to try and save the teeth, I want them out! 5 days ago I had #2 and #31 (US) extracted as they had broken, I believe due to decay. What is the downside of just doing the extraction? Not a bad plan It is the molars that are typically the most affected by decay and periodontal disease. 31 32 are decayed. The reason for it is if you do not replace the bottom molar, the upper opposing second molar will begin to over erupt out of its socket trying to reach its old partner that got extracted. It may get complicated because of the crack. A more advanced procedure is to have an implant, bone graft and extraction on the same day. implant for #3 is a really important replacement. bone loss treatment options If you are sensitive to heat it is likely the tooth in front or behind it. But if I am sure I dont want an implant, it is just an extraction. Would I be in any danger of other upper teeth shifting over time, lower molar erupting, or any other concerns? This is the only missing tooth I have. I am scheduled to have #18 tooth extracted and both the dentist Ive seen and the implant specialist I was referred to say I dont need an implant because I wear a mouthguard which will prevent the upper tooth from drifting. Hi Dr. Amin front tooth dental implants On January 21 2020 i got a tooth extraction on 18 would I need to get implant? I have very very bad cavities in tooth #2 and #18. Any further insight would be great! can last 15 years. retain natural-looking appearance longer than bridges. (Wisdom teeth removed in my 20s). (Wish you were in IL). In some cases, removing one or more teeth may be recommended in order to create more space. I dont like questioning my medical providers as I understand they are well trained experts, but I am a scientist myself and like to make evidence-based decisions. And why I Am completely terrified! The process uses low levels of radiation to capture images of the inside of your teeth and gums. I would not give up a second molar so quickly.. An upper second molar extraction is typically done when the tooth is severely decayed or causing pain. I am 27. I am 25 years old. Im a 37 year-old male, with an extracted #15 tooth due to failed root canal. Thanks. When I talk, my tongue hits the back side of my first molar and its like its getting in the way. Sorry for the bad news but this is the most likely scenario. You are better off removing it. 22 yrs old had the #14 removed at 18yrs old. There is a nerve directly underneath this tooth so it is considered a more difficult implant. Originally my oral surgeon said an implant may not be necessary because it was less like for the upper tooth to erupt. Swelling: This usually peaks 24-48 hours after the procedure and can be minimized with ice packs and elevation of the head while sleeping. Risks include: Infection at the implant site Injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels Nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips or chin Sinus problems, when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of your sinus cavities How you prepare YES Looking for your thoughts on if I can put implant on #3 at time of extraction and pull #2 and not replace it. Hello Dr Ramsey, WebWhat Are The Pros And Cons Of Tooth Extraction? Make sure you are assessed carefully for your bite to see if you really need them or not. It sounds like maybe you have some baseline periodontal disease which needs to be managed but I do not know how you lost these teeth. B.) Photo attached in the links. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! I dont use alcohol or tobacco. And the cost of a surgical extraction may be quite a bit higher. I have all bottom teeth with a crown on last bottom molar opposite #2. Surrounding teeth may shift or move into the space where the tooth is missing. 2nd molar (upper right) had a very large cavity - sensitive - 4 years ago. Sometimes it is worth placing both of them if the bone is very soft or a required a sinus lift. This is such an informative forum. My dentist filled a big cavity in #15 two months ago, and it still hurts. Does Tooth Extraction Lead To Scarring? but I am absolutely terrified of further invasive procedures, and the hard sell approach makes my anxiety even worse. I had my lower right wisdom tooth removed a few years ago which was fine ( in order to save molar in front). How bad is that? My bite is not perfect. and transmitted securely. Once the tooth is exposed, it will be extracted using special instruments. I do not know what my insurance will cover yet, it has been a rough year or so for everyone but I found myself on state Healthcare. I am 26 years old I had my 2nd molar and 3rd molar on my left side removed last year. At this point the pain in #2 and #3 are unbearable so Im scheduled for implant on #3 bc I cant stand the pain. How Long Will I Have to Sit in the Dentist Chair During a Root Canal? Thank you and I hope you have a great holiday season and an even better new year. That would be the perfect combination to do nothing. . Waiting extraction of 17 which is root canal that had a crown which failed and its not possible to put another crown. Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions! Also, how do things change now that two of my lower left molars are missing as well? Extraction Pros: 1 . I dont miss the tooth at all. Im 33 and the idea of a denture is horrifying. Hi Dental implant pros. Is this something that can be delayed? There isnt really much to stop it from moving vertically but it looks like it has neared the upper gum. Very common! bone graft is done. I still have my wisdom teeth, so now I have a gap. Thank you! I hope it is not gone already! I think I replied you already. or more and are the longest lasting option on the market. Not usually you probably have a bad bite. I had both wisdom teeth removed when I was 22. WebThe available information strongly suggests that the extraction of second molars relieves crowding in the posterior part of the arch, causes faster eruption of third molars, and diminishes the number of unerupted and/or impacted third molars. Hello Dr. Ramsey, I appreciate the knowledge that you share with us. Hi, my husband was referred to have an extraction and implant of tooth #18 which is very expensive. November 13, 2022 Thank you for your help! You have a clear, concise style that is informative. Im in a similar position (May need to have #3 extracted) and really dont want to have to get an implant if I can help it. I am an African and will be 40 this year, over the years, Ive had causes to extract tooth numbers 5,18, 19, 30, and 31 (using the United states labelling system). Can I have an extraction without an implant considering its location. Really great question! Since the extraction, Ive suffered from terrible sinus pressure. Im torn between having it pulled and hoping her wisdom tooth will erupt and replace it and having multiple procedures to save it because they want to do a partial root canal to give her tooth time to fully mature before doing a full root canal and crown. If you are missing any of those teeth I would suggest replacing them. Thank you and more power! Hi, I am in the UK and have very severe dental phobia and I have most of my life, as you can imagine this is now causing me problems. My 3rd molar on the right side is impacted. You may be okay without it but this really depends on your bite. It can also be less expensive to extract a tooth than to repair it. But it is making me sick and fatigue. Thank you for your informative article and delightful, direct communication style, responding to questions. I still have the wisdom tooth beside it. My new dentist who saw me two weeks ago when my gum was swollen around this molar says the bone is good and hed save the tooth but if extracted he doesnt think an implant is required and said thats an OK choice too. Thoughts/advice? The wisdom teeth have been extracted on that side. videos Will I be ok with extraction? Unfortunately uploading of photograph is not permitted At this time due to possible security breaches, with regards to your other question Dental implants are not permanent. and our I can read the literature which supports the oral surgeons suggestions. Thanks so much for answering this question! Although you may read about comments with problems, most pts that are treated by a skilled DDS have no problems at all. The itchy ears are not related. It may be best to just remove both #2 and #31 and do not replace either one, Hello, Mr.Ramsey How long would it take to make get the crown after uncovering the buried implant.? How long do I have to wait to get an implant? The technique described here is easy to learn and implement. If yes . Please let me know. Regardless, now Im off to see an oral surgeon for possible tooth extraction and implant. you are on the proper post that will answer your question. Thanks, A type of implant that should be selected for somebody with your bite strength should specifically be grade 5 or 23 titanium. But remember this is carefully planned this way. It occasionally hurts after eating and/or brushing my teeth but its never been really painful. If you have a typical class I bite pattern even with all of these other teeth you will still gets shifting of the upper second molar #2. . I had #15 pulled in January 2018, the socket is all healed over now and I am used to the missing tooth but I am considering the possiblity of an implant. Will all of my teeth shift backwards? impacted molars impaction I would need to see you and your x-ray to answer that. Greatrex PA, Sampson WJ, Richards LC, Twelftree CC. dental implant complications Is it necessary to get an implant when that tooth is extracted? Of course you could have implants for #30 and 31 which may be a great option as well. Additionally, it can also create more space in the mouth if the patient is considering orthodontic treatment. You mentioned that if one has a Class I bite, they can potentially get away with having a molar on the upper arch removed. She said they recommend doing a bone graft so that in the future, we can put in an implant. Financially this will be hard but I can save for it. His molars seem to be whats affected. Im 32 and had my last molar lower left side removed , do I need bone graft and implant? It is more critical went on the bottom than on the top. So, I cant make a decision about whether to go the root canal-crown route or extraction on my second upper right molar and part of difficulty is the trouble I had with only other root canal. On January 17th, 2020 I had my upper right wisdom tooth extracted, it was healthy, had enough space and had grown in properly. Thank you so much for your insightful article. Tooth #31 is very decayed and the dentist is recommending extraction & a bone replacement graft. Do you think I would need to get an implant for this? I recently had my second molar on the upper left side extracted at the recommendation of my dentist. If anything I would just replace tooth #31 and not worry about 15, 32. In this article says What are my options? The parameters reviewed include the timing of extractions and the effect of extractions on third molar eruption, posterior interdigitation, and incisor imbrication. Can you post an X-ray to a public google images? Hello Doctor Ramsey I need your help, I have had a root canal done to my #30 molar tooth bottom right and crown put on. Would you recommend replacement of 3 with an implant or a bridge? It may be helpful to understand the differences between a root canal procedure and a dental extraction and implant. I am on antibiotics. What is the risk in waiting longer? #19 and #30 are the most common dental implants on the planet! The second molar is important for chewing and biting food. My 12 year old daughters tooth #31 took over 6 months to fully erupt and when it finally did the part that was covered eventually chipped badly. Thx, Dry socket: This is a relatively rare complication that can occur when the blood clot that forms in the extraction site is dislodged too soon. That was in January. He also said the implant would be more dire if the tooth adjacent to 18 cracked or failed. In order to use a third molar in the place of a second molar you have to be pretty young with partial root formation of third molar also known as the wisdom tooth. I live you Canada. You need to have the implant done. Now that I have the place of this tooth empty should I consider implanting ? Hello! Im wondering.. You will likely be just fine without it. Do i eventually need implants or should i be okay? My wisdom tooth 38 was extracted when i was a teen (now im 39). Kind regards You are YOUNG! Even with the condition you mentioned this is a critical tooth to replace. Its affected the tooth #31 next to it. My dentist extracted number 17. I am attaching my x-ray. (Im resubmitting this comment as I realized I did a poor editing job on the first submission. The upper tooth also has root canal and cant really hold a crown. I only have two molars on the left side of mouth. Recently I visited a new dentist and she suggested I get replacement done with a permanent bridge. Other possible side effects include: Following placement of implant i could never bite without pain and could never use that side for chewing & eating food (managed with one side). Unfortunately removing one tooth is not going to space out the others. and transmitted securely. I wasnt entirely clear) beneath the crown. Otherwise, my teeth are in good condition and straight. Basically said it wasnt super important and even if I invested the money, it may still give me issues in the future. He is going to perform the retreatmemt with the crown and Ive heard that it is not advisable. Should i remove them? Likely will be fine without them since losing the pair that chew against each other. There may be other possible procedures, depending on your situation. I was sent to another dentist who recommended re-root canal saying that the artificial roots of the first root canal did not go deep enough. I saw 2 dentists 1 recommended a filling but refused to do it because of my anxiety and referred me to a surgeon. Loss of Permanent First Molars in the Mixed Dentition: Circumstances Resulting in Extraction and Requiring Orthodontic Management. #17 is the lower left wisdom that does not need to be replaced. I saw dentist for a check yesterday and he felt it was as expected and to let it progress without intervention. There are both pros and cons to having this procedure done. This week alone I treated to patients for full mouth implants in a matter of hours. I had my right 2nd upper molar (#2) extracted in 2017 and did not have an implant placed. The cons of extraction a tooth include: The long term cost of replacing the tooth if you choose to do so. The tooth on the bottom that opposes it has a root canal and crown. What are the post procedures to be taken to avoid this. I had a swollen gum 3 weaks ago over tooth 37. You are too young still. What I can say is that most females do not really get their wisdom teeth coming in until between age 19 and 30. molar extraction second molar fig pocketdentistry second molar molars fig treatment pocketdentistry Removed a few years ago which was fine ( in order to save molar in front ) and me... Are missing any of those teeth I would suggest replacing them the post large cavity - sensitive - 4 ago. Placing both of them if the bone is very soft or a bridge or a required a sinus.! A sinus lift nothing is done over time, lower molar erupting, or any other concerns been really.! Dentist about that think I would need to be removed, it will certainly affect your bite failed root.! Things change now that two of my first molar and 3rd molar on the upper left side removed last.... 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