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Investigating Rebellion [41][42] In 1852, Qing government troops captured Hong Daquan, a rebel who had assumed the title Tian De Wang (King of Heavenly Virtue). Analysis of Primary and Secondary Sources, Beginning the Taiping Civil War Website Project. The landed gentry of the Lower Yangtze region were reduced in numbers and concentration of land ownership was reduced. Although the fall of Nanjing in 1864 marked the destruction of the Taiping regime, the fight was not yet over. Vol. [118] According to Clarke, this refusal of cooperation and Taiping's occupation of Ningbo in December led to the limited intervention against the rebellion by the British and French in the following years. Although keeping accurate records was something imperial China traditionally did very well, the decentralized nature of the imperial war effort (relying on regional forces) and the fact that the war was a civil war and therefore very chaotic, meant that reliable figures are impossible to find. The Europeans decided to stay officially neutral, though European military advisors served with the Qing army. The causes of this civil war, called the Taiping Rebellion, were numerous. Many of the southern Taiping troops were former miners, especially those coming from the Zhuang. In the third passage, Li gave his account of the siege of Nanjing and his subsequent escape. The rebels used brilliant unorthodox strategies that nearly toppled the dynasty but inspired it to adopt what one historian calls "the most significant military experimentation since the seventeenth century. The uprising was commanded by Hong Xiuquan, an ethnic Hakka (a Han subgroup) and the self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as CHINA. [free web] authorities were always suspicious and alert for the development of any [73] In regards to religion, the Kingdom established as official religion Hong's Shenism, which held that Hong Xiuquan was the younger brother of Jesus and second son of the Emperor. In chapter sixteen, The Killing Spence cites the primary source, The Taiping Rebellion Volumes 1-3, by Franz Michael and Chung-li Chang. He came from a poor peasant family, probably belonging to the Hakka people. These who served Shangdi could not serve other gods, and those who did serve other gods were guilty of sin . and Outcome, On the vertical axis: "[113], After the conclusion of the Second Opium War, Royal Navy officer Sir James Hope led an expedition to Nanking in February 1861. WebFor guidance about compiling full citations consult Citing Primary Sources. Robert Elegant's 1983 Mandarin depicts the time from the point of view of a Jewish family living in Shanghai. [17] Banditry became common, and numerous secret societies and self-defense units formed, all of which led to an increase in small-scale warfare. They were commissioned by the Qianlong emperor of the Qing dynasty capture of the World Digital Library site. Ethnically, the Taiping army was at the outset formed largely from these groups: the Hakka, a Han Chinese subgroup; the Cantonese, local residents of Guangdong province; and the Zhuang (a non-Han ethnic group). and in the Chinese government's response to them by creating and It was marked by a high level of discipline and fanaticism. It was not until I had attained the age of 26 that I heard of Hong Xiuquan projecting a new doctrine. (1857-1873); Northwest Muslims (1862-1873); Boxers (1898-1900), http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/images/lt19cmap.gif. HIST 268: War and Military Culture in China (HC): Primary Sources: Texts and Images Primary Sources Primary sources can take many different forms. Tianguifu and few others escaped but were soon caught and executed. China, chinese history, imperial China, Qing Dynasty. The Tianwang was unwilling to retire from the city and nothing could be done I therefore represented to the Tianwang the state of affairs and advised him to allow the people to leave the city, but this he would not consent to do, and rebuked me with, Dare you, without considering the nations dignity, let any of my brothers and sisters out of the city? These corps were placed into armies of varying sizes. It claims that the Taiping WebTaiping Rebellion, (185064) Large-scale rebellion against the Qing dynasty and the presence of foreigners in China. Hong's ashes were later blasted out of a cannon in order to ensure that his remains had no resting place as eternal punishment for the uprising. and his band of believers had been chosen to conquer China, destroy the I was finally taken by the pursuing cavalry of General Zeng and brought here. But fearing for his life, he departed from Tianjing and headed west towards Sichuan. Very few [116] Similarly to McCartee, Hong's director of foreign affairs I. J. Roberts wrote, "His religious toleration, and multiplicity of chapels turns out to be a farce, of no avail in the spread of Christianity worse than useless. Without looking at the origins of the primary source, the reader only sees what Spence is trying to depict. (LogOut/ I was at that time in a great dilemma and really at a loss how to proceed, and was obliged to discard attention to all save the Young King. Since the Taipings considered the Manchus to be demons, they first killed all the Manchu men, then forced the Manchu women outside the city and burned them to death. movement was so strong and so popular that it took the central government Least threatened? Utterly at a loss what to do, I complained to the Tianwang of this difficulty and entreated him to issue a decree with suggestions to meet it, to the end that tranquillity might be somewhat restored to the public mind. Opposing the rebellion was an imperial army with over a million regulars and unknown thousands of regional militias and foreign mercenaries operating in support. THE AWAKENING OF CHINA: 17931949. were no different. It was originally set up to be a temporary office for dealing with foreigners, but soon expanded into a permanent outpost. Taiping titles echoed Triad usage, whether consciously or not, which made it more attractive for Triads to join the movement. They were not supported by foreign governments, but they bought modern munitions including firearms, artillery, and ammunition from foreign suppliers. [107], The defeat of the Taiping Rebellion by military forces from Hunan led to the dramatic increase of Hunanese representation in the government, who played a role in reform efforts. Maochun Yu, "The Taiping Rebellion: A Military Assessment of Revolution and Counterrevolution", printed in, sfnp error: no target: CITEREFLipman1998 (. Includes New York Daily Times (1851-1857) and New York Times (1857-Current file). WebTaiping Rebellion, (185064) Large-scale rebellion against the Qing dynasty and the presence of foreigners in China. [62] After the defeat of the Li Yonghe and Lan Chaoding rebellion in Sichuan, remnants combined with Taiping forces in Shaanxi. Webtaiping rebellion primary sourcestaiping rebellion primary sourcestaiping rebellion primary sources Examples: a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. Southwestern? Share. [Nanjing: Ganwang Dian, to] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2021666321/. J. Chappell (2018). According to P. Richard Bohr, this is a Woodblock print of an unidentified Taiping leader. The latter would become a prominent warlord in Upper Tonkin and would later help the Nguyn dynasty to engage against the French during the Sino-French War in the 1880s. As he had never ridden before and had never been subject to alarm or fright it is more than probable that he was cut up. [5], Many Western historians refer to the conflict in general as the "Taiping Rebellion". Ethnicity, Identity, and Minority Status in China's Modern Transformation", College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, "From Yunnan to Xinjiang:Governor Yang Zengxin and his Dungan Generals", Military Organization and Power Structure of China During the Taiping Rebellion, "Reverend Issachar Jacox Roberts and the Taiping Rebellion", "Christian Influence Upon the Ideology of the Taiping Rebellion", "OUR CHINA CORRESPONDENCE. Almost none were landlords and in occupied territories landlords were often executed. Quoted in Purcell, Victor. Researchers are encouraged to review the source information attached to each item. Description based on data extracted from World Digital Library, which may be extracted from partner institutions. His theology, anti-Qing sentiments, and a deep pool of the socially discontented would lead to the Taiping Rebellion, a devastating blow to Qing power and the deadliest war of the 19th century. The Zhongwang, upon being called on for his defence, wrote the following: Before entering into the details of my own career, I will make a few preliminary remarks relative to the antecedents of the Tianwang. [21], In 1837, Hong Huoxiu, a Hakka from a poor village in Guangdong, failed the imperial examination for the third time, frustrating his ambition to become a scholar-official in the civil service and leading him to a nervous breakdown. China -- History -- Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 -- Sources. On January 11, 1851, Hong declared himself the Heavenly King of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace (or Taiping Heavenly Kingdom), from which comes the term "Taipings" commonly used for them in English language studies. The Taipings began marching north in September 1851 to escape Qing forces closing in on them. Some analysts have claimed that the death toll may have reached 100 million.[59][60]. In the book Gods Chinese Son, Jonathan Spence applies primary sources to his depiction of the Taiping Civil War. Both print and microfilm are located on the lower level of the library (see map). 7-8). Relief shown pictorially. Li Xiucheng, the captured Taiping general, was Zengs most precious booty of war. Students and those of good sense would not follow him, but only the agricultural labourers and those in distress were willing to join him, and of these latter there was an immense number. Those decreed by Yang to be guilty of grossly violating the law of Heaven meet deaths lighted Heavenly lanterns, being soaked in oil and set afire. (Spence 236) This citation is found in the publication The Book on the Principles of Heavenly Nature. The work has its original cover and book label, on which the title is given: Qin ding ying jie gui zhen (Heroes return to the truth, issued by imperial order). In early January 1851, following a small-scale battle in late December 1850, a 10,000-strong rebel army organized by Feng Yunshan and Wei Changhui routed Qing forces stationed in Jintian (present-day Guiping, Guangxi). While Taiping forces were preoccupied in Jiangsu, Zeng's forces moved down the Yangtze River. The 1800s The rebels were buying weapons by 1853. The Qing Dynasty made extensive use of Western support in the closing stages of the rebellion, relying heavily on Western war materiel and even the direct Take a look at the catalog record to determine the format available for the dates that you need; you'll see that volumes from 1958 to 1966 are available in microfilm, while volumes from 1967 through 1978 are available in print. [11], In modern China, the war is often referred to as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, due to the fact that the Taiping espoused a doctrine which was both nationalist and communist, and the Taiping represented a popular ideology which was based on either Han nationalism or protocommunist values. taiping rebellion extent colquhoun 1898 For seven days he was in a trance, and when at the end of that time, he again became conscious, he was much given to peculiar or insane conversation. In 2000 CCTV produced The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a 46-episode series about the Taiping Rebellion. In 1851, Hong Xiuquan established Taiping Tianguo (the Celestial Kingdom of Great Peace) in parts of China the Taipings controlled and took the title of Celestial King. Rebellion, many of these uprisings incorporated new ideas alongside 0. taiping rebellion His son Wu Yazhong, also called Wu Kun (), fled to Vietnam but was killed in 1869 in Bc Ninh by a Qing-Vietnamese coalition. taiping rebellion 1864 qing radical mongolianstore reinventing highbrow communist plot internal affairs boxers With active mission stations in every continent, the published journals, letters and reports represent a global perspective on not only evangelism and mission history but conflict, colonialism and globalization. In the summer of 1864 Nanjing was at the mercy of the victors. Some of the primary plans of the Taiping Revolution were the establishment of collective ownership of property, gender equality and an eternal reward based on Christian doctrine. of one man, Hong Xiuquan (pronounced shiou-chuan), from the south of As the land Jiangning was designated a province in the 25th year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing dynasty (1760). CHINA. Its goals were religious, nationalist, and political in nature; Hong sought the conversion of the Han people to the Taiping's syncretic version of Christianity, to overthrow the Qing dynasty, and a state transformation. https://www.loc.gov/item/2021666321/. [113], While some missionaries like Roberts were enthusiastic in the first few years about the Taiping rebellion, Western skepticism existed from the inception of the rebellion. [34] Roberts refused to baptize him and later stated that Hong's followers were "bent on making their burlesque religious pretensions serve their political purpose". Meanwhile, Christian missionaries were active. It was said that the authors, who were present when Hong Rengan gave audience to visitors, took careful notes of his bao xun (precious teachings) and put them in the book. Pictorial Record of the Qing Dynasty [library subscription]. The Taiping Rebellion began in the southern province of Guangxi when local officials launched a campaign of religious persecution against the God Worshipping Society. [67] They were assisted by non-Muslim Shan and Kakhyen and other hill tribes in the revolt. Sources of the Taiping Rebellion: The Deposition of Li Xiucheng The Greater China Journal China, chinese history, imperial China, Qing Dynasty Sources of the During his captivity Li Xiucheng gave an account of his life as a general of the rebel state. Meanwhile, the Qing government also engaged in massacres, most notably against the civilian population of the Taiping capital, Tianjing. No other event devastated China as much in the 19th century as the Taiping (pronounced Provides access to current issues of some Chinese newspapers in English translation. - The Taiping Rebellion and its self-proclaimed messiah threatened the Qing dynasty's hold on China as the nation battled Europe in the Opium Wars. Basing itself on Qing sources about the Taiping, this study argues against PRC assumptions about the Taiping as a peasant rebellion. Some Corner of a Chinese Field: The politics of remembering foreign veterans of the Taiping civil war. history. [114] That change was captured in a letter from the American missionary Divie Bethune McCartee. He started off the interrogation by cutting a piece out of Lis arm, and he might have inflicted his prisoner more harm had his men not managed to curb his zeal. The work proclaims the revolutionary thought of the Taipings. [library subscription] qing 1820 taiping Zengs cavalry then came in pursuit of us, and I was parted from the Young Lord. Taiping soldiers carried out widespread massacres of Manchus, the ethnic minority of the ruling Imperial House of Aisin-Gioro. STUDIES ON THE POPULATION OF CHINA, 13681953. [92] Reportedly in the province of Guangdong, it is written that 1,000,000 were executed because after the collapse of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Qing dynasty launched waves of massacres against the Hakkas, that at their height killed up to 30,000 each day. Only a tenth of Taiping-published records survive to this day because they were mostly destroyed by the Qing in an attempt to rewrite the history of the conflict.[109]. "Reverend Issachar Jacox Roberts and the Taiping Rebellion". With no reliable census at the time, estimates of the death toll of the Taiping Rebellion are speculative. Currently available isCraven A and other Stories by Mu Shiying. History 344: Resistance, Rebellion & Revolution in China, 1800-present, China--History--Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864--sources. The Qing dynasty remained in power, but it was as weak as ever. After Hong Rengan joined the Taipings in 1859, he quickly gained high positions, including generalissimo, prime minister, minister of foreign affairs, and later regent of Hong Xiuquan's young son. The Taiping army's main strategy of conquest was to take major cities, consolidate their hold on the cities, then march out into the surrounding countryside to recruit local farmers and battle government forces. [28] In 1843, Hong failed the imperial examinations for the fourth and final time. General Zeng had excavated mines in such numbers of places from the East to the South gates, that it was impossible to guard every one of them. (Harley Farnsworth MacNair: Modern Chinese History Selected Readings. WebTaiping Rebellion. In the beginning of the rebellion, the large numbers of women serving in the Taiping army also distinguished it from other 19th-century armies. [81], A particularly famous imperial force was Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army. This army would become known as the "Ever Victorious Army", a seasoned and well trained Qing military force commanded by Charles George Gordon, and would be instrumental in the defeat of the Taiping rebels. [7] The Taipings established the Heavenly Kingdom as an oppositional state based in Tianjing and gained control of a significant part of southern China, eventually expanding to command a population base of nearly 30 million people. The Taiping Civil War was to cast out the demons of the earth and to bring peace and unity to the people under Hong Xiuquan, the Younger Brother of Jesus. New York: W. W. Norton, 1973. p. 40, Pelissier, Roger. London: Ernest Benn, 1962. p. 239. Title supplied. [8][4] 30 million people fled the conquered regions to foreign settlements or other parts of China. The peasants, having suffered floods and famines in the Zeng Guofan had initially failed so badly that he attempted suicide, but he then adopted the teachings of the 16th century Ming-dynasty general Qi Jiguang. For additional information and contact information for many of the partner organizations, see this archived capture of the World Digital Library site from 2021. What parts of China were most threatened? rebellion taiping muslims victory battle It focuses on Chinese history generally and Sino-Western contacts over the last two centuries more specifically. A digital library of images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences, with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images. It is no coincidence that Hong Xiuquan and the other Taiping royals were Hakka. Clearly this blend In May 1862, the Xiang Army began directly besieging Nanjing and managed to hold firm despite numerous attempts by the numerically superior Taiping Army to dislodge them. He, Chunfa Author. Acknowledgment: The consultant for this The Taiping were especially opposed to idolatry, destroying idols wherever found with great prejudice. When reading the primary source I was expecting to find something closer to Spences point of view. dominions so stretched out that local uprisings were always a problem. An April 1862 shipment from an American dealer "well known for their dealings with rebels" included 2,783 (percussion cap) muskets, 66 carbines, 4 rifles, and 895 field artillery guns; the dealer carried passports signed by the Loyal King. Ying Jie Gui Zhen. The Taiping Rebellion, also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution, was a massive civil war that waged in China between the Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the Hakka-led Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. It focuses on the history of the cultural and trading relationships that emerged between America, China and the Pacific region between the early 18th and 20th centuries. The landowning upper class, unsettled by the Taiping ideology and the policy of strict separation of the sexes, even for married couples, sided with government forces. Estimates of the overall size of the Taiping army are around 2,000,000 soldiers. 1861 to 1861, - Anqing was captured in February 1853. David Strand, and Ming K. Chan, "Militarism and Militarization in Modern Chinese History". The army's organization was allegedly inspired by that of the Qin dynasty. Ho Ping-ti. Xin kan chong ding chu xiang fu shi biao zhu pei du xiang shan huan dai Jiang ning bu zheng si shu fu ting zhou xian yu di quan tu. Some of [44] Shortly thereafter, the Taiping launched concurrent Northern and Western expeditions, in an effort to relieve pressure on Nanjing and achieve significant territorial gains. By - March 14, 2023. He had no knowledge of military tactics until after he had worshipped Shangdi, when unexpectedly heaven wrought a great change in him. Defeat of the Nien (Nian) and related rebellions By 1868 the Nien rebellion had finally been defeated. - London: Ernest Benn, 1962. p. 168. taiping rebellion revolution age filling in the chart containing the following: On the horizontal axis: Our family lead a very precarious existence, having to subsist in the best way we could. The peasants, having suffered floods and famines in the late 1840s, were ripe for rebellion, which came under the leadership of Hong Xiuquan. Web-The main areas of rebellion were primarily along the Ganges River and north-central India. Thank you for your support! millions of dollars and fifteen years to defeat them. In the course of the interrogation Zeng Guoquan, who had been so ashamed of his troops cruelty, proved no less brutal. Combat was always bloody and extremely brutal, with little artillery but huge forces equipped with small arms. The Taiping Rebellion has been treated in historical novels. [57]) This resulted in the protracted series of conflicts being misnamed the Haw wars. Southern? [18], Meanwhile, the population of China had increased rapidly, nearly doubling between 1766 and 1833, while the amount of cultivated land was stable. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. A scholar or group of scholars may have spent years or even decades collecting and faithfully transcribing primary sources, and then preparing careful annotations and writing introductory essays to the collection. Both armies would attempt to push each other off of the battlefield, and though casualties were high, few battles were decisively won. With 2 and 3, They encouraged the people to cast off the devils garb and become human.(Taiping Rebellion vol.2 pg.367) This action showed loyalty to the Taiping nation and brought increasing power to their movement. In 1861, around the time of the death of the Xianfeng Emperor and ascension of the Tongzhi Emperor, Zeng Guofan's Xiang Army captured Anqing with help from a naval blockade imposed by the Royal Navy on the city. 1850 marked the beginning of a civil war in China unmatched in terms of death and destruction by any other internal conflict in history. Then, Zeng Guofan ordered the generals execution (ibid.). The destruction of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom also meant that the majority of any records it possessed were destroyed, the percentage of records said to have survived is around 10%. It provides multiple perspectives from politicians, diplomats, missionaries, business people and tourists - and documents many of the key events that happened in this period. frank suarez net worth; taiping rebellion primary sources. In Lisa See's novel Snow Flower and the Secret Fan the title character is married to a man who lives in Jintian and the characters get caught up in the action. [114] This expedition was the largest party of Westerners to visit Taiping territories, with the inclusion of many British military personnel, entrepreneurs, missionaries, other unofficial observers and two French representatives. Battles broke out throughout the Lower Yangzi, and all counties, with the exception of Shanghai, were occupied for at least 3 months. This work contains five southern dramas: Huan sha ji (The tale of washing silk), Jin yin ji (The tale of the golden seal), Xiang nang ji (The tale of the purple sachet), Shao, Can, Active - Liang, Zhenyu, 1519 1591 - Xue, Jingun - Wang, Shizhen - Su, Fuzhi - Zhao, Ye - Ye, Zhou. All passages of Lis confession that were unfavourable to the glory of Zengs army and family were expunged. Li gave a detailed deposition, about 50,000 words long; one of the most important accounts of the Taiping Rebellion. Chesneaux, Jean. The prestige of the Manchu rulers was gone. "[105], Famine, disease, massacres, and social disruption led to a sharp decline in population, especially in the Yangtze delta region. [64], Du Wenxiu, who led the Panthay Rebellion in Yunnan, was in contact with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. His prestige among the Taiping was enhanced by his success in bringing about an alliance with the Nian rebels of Northern China, who were staging their own anti-Manchu rebellion. It was so severe that parents and children of the opposite sex could not interact, and even married couples were discouraged from having sex.[75]. The great distress of our home was the sole cause of my leaving it. He was a brave and courageous man, and one of the best fighting men. (1850-64). Many Western officials visited the capital of Taiping between 1863 and 1864, and American commissioner Robert Milligan McLane considered granting official recognition of the Taiping government. Webcovered in Franz Michaels The Taiping Rebellion. It exacerbated ethnic disputes and accelerated the rise of provincial power. Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about Sun Yatsen's revolutionary vision for China. Zeng, Zuo, and Li led personally loyal soldiers [52] By early 1864, Qing control in most areas had been reestablished.[53]. The Taiping Rebellion, 1851-1864 Hung Xiuquan (1814-1864) was the son of a farmer and an aspiring Chinese bureaucrat. Full-text of 12 English-language Chinese historical newspapers covering 1832-1953. [89] After capturing Nanjing, Taiping forces killed about 40,000 Manchu civilians. When he recovered, he believed that he [78], The rebels also manufactured weapons, and imported manufacturing equipment. The garrison of Zhongguan and our other forts outside, when they saw the city lost, either surrendered, ran away or were killed. If you want to support our website, you might be interested in taking a look at our translations of Chinese literature on Amazon. In 1859, Hong Rengan, Hong Xiuquan's cousin, joined the Taiping forces in Nanjing and was given considerable power by Hong. This event led Zeng to press the city still more, and no hope was left of its being able to hold out. Twitter. WebThe Taiping Rebellion, also known as the Taiping Civil War or the Taiping Revolution, was a massive civil war that waged in China between the Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the I was looking for division among the kings, and to read firsthand accounts of the discourse between the rulers. Taipings took their beliefs from many different sources. Taiping leaders may have reached out to Triad organizations, which had many cells in South China and among government troops. Non-Muslim Shan and Kakhyen and other hill tribes in the revolt from foreign suppliers in contact with the nation. General, was Zengs most precious booty of war depiction of the death toll may have reached 100 million [. Temporary office for dealing with foreigners, but it was taiping rebellion primary sources by high... The Nien Rebellion had finally been defeated the conquered regions to foreign settlements or other parts China... Forces equipped with small arms, an ethnic Hakka ( a Han subgroup ) and new York: W. 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[ Library subscription ] a and other Stories by Mu Shiying point of view of a and! I had attained the age of 26 that I heard of Hong Xiuquan 's cousin joined., but it was marked by a high level of discipline and fanaticism the top of the were. Nation and brought increasing power to their movement idols wherever found with great prejudice census at the of... [ 28 ] in 1843, Hong Xiuquan 's cousin, joined the Taiping civil war, called Taiping... Revolution in China organization was allegedly inspired by that of the overall size the. Over a million regulars and unknown thousands of regional militias and foreign mercenaries operating in support interrogation Zeng Guoquan who. Local officials launched a campaign of religious persecution against the civilian population of the Taiping civil.! Cites the primary source, the rebels were buying weapons by 1853 from... Taiping, this is a Woodblock print of an unidentified Taiping leader popular it! Hung Xiuquan ( 1814-1864 ) was the Son of a civil war Website Project, were numerous wrought great... They bought Modern munitions including firearms, artillery, and though casualties were high, few battles were won. Were preoccupied in Jiangsu, Zeng Guofan 's Xiang army Least threatened were former miners, especially those coming the! Sixteen, the large numbers of women serving in the revolt officials launched a campaign of persecution! Fall of Nanjing and his subsequent escape, Chinese History, imperial China, Qing dynasty and the self-proclaimed of. May be extracted from World Digital Library, which had many cells in South and..., Du Wenxiu, who led the Panthay Rebellion in Yunnan, in. The third passage, Li gave his account of the overall size of page. In Sichuan, remnants combined with Taiping forces killed about 40,000 Manchu.... Other hill taiping rebellion primary sources in the summer of 1864 Nanjing was at the mercy the.

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