weird russian inventions

Sergey a visiblement hérité des points forts de ses parents : avant de quitter l'URSS, sa mère Evguenia travaillait c… L’invention lui a non seulement apporté la renommée, mais lui a pratiquement sauvé sa vie. The over-engineered solution?

L'un des fondateurs du plus célèbre moteur de recherche au monde, Google, est d'origine russe. We were told that EVERYTHING is better, bigger, nicer, faster, stronger and smarter in the USSR.

On October 30, 1961, the Soviet Union detonated the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created - the AN602 hydrogen bomb, nicknamed "Tsar Bomba" - in keeping with a variety of other large and unwieldy Russian weapons. Z. L. N. Gobyato – inventor of a mortar. Mortars have existed centuries and rifles before Fedorov was even born…. L'idée de créer un parachute sûr et efficace est venue à Kotelnikov après qu’il eut été témoin de la mort en 1910 de l'un des premiers pilotes russes, Lev Matsievitch, tombé de 400 mètres après une panne de son avion.

Bien que la voiture de Chamchourenkov ait précédé celle du célèbre inventeur français Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, qui a présenté son véhicule en 1769, le nom de l'inventeur russe n'a jamais été connu dans le monde entier.

Grimwade a breveté la technologie en 1855. Uber probably won't lose much sleep over it though. Designed in 1930 by German engineer Edward Grotte, this beast would have weighed 100 tons, carried a crew of 14, and had three turrets carrying a variety of heavy and light guns.

Jan 18, 2020 - Explore Mark Marcarian's board "Stupid Inventions", followed by 344 people on Pinterest. Lire aussi : Photographies de Cosaques libres du XIXe siècle. A. Timchenko made the first cine-camera in the world.

We'll add this one to the ever-growing list of jokes from The Simpsons that somehow became real things.

Indeed, in WWII, the Soviet Union overwhelmed Germany with endless waves of T-34 tanks, fighter planes, and infantry armed with cheap submachine guns. Le premier tour à décolleter a été breveté en 1800 par l'inventeur britannique Henry Maudslay, qui est considéré comme le père fondateur de la technologie des machines-outils.

With a suite of sensors and some AI smarts onboard, it can also follow you like a creepy robotic puppy or meet you at a specific place and time.

Erté travaillera aussi pour d'autres publications importantes des États-Unis, d'Angleterre et de France. Cependant, certains estiment que l'étalon a été fixé par le peintre russe Roman Tyrtov (qui signait de son pseudonyme Erté - d'après ses initiales).

He also applied bandages soaked in starch, which turned out to be very effective.

Engineer Michael Young's design for a nail-dispensing hammer is nothing short of genius. 1.

Tetra Soap has come to the rescue, with its angular tetrapod shape giving you something easier to grip. The specs don't block OLED or AMOLED yet, though, which is what the majority of digital billboards use, but if nothing else they work fine as a pair of 80s-chic sunglasses.

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